No other platform allows the anonymous upload of pictures and complaints or comments. It's totally unique.
See what happened when Andy called The Wood Floor Company whilst the owner, Woody Woodison was driving. It's just text right now, but Speech to Text is on its' way!
This is what Woody Woodison saw when he got home.
Jobsbots has a World view and can answer any relevant questions. But it also has three views where you can enter your information for your Industry, your Company, and yourself.
You can have your head under a sink or you can be reading a bedtime story to the kids. You can still win all new enquiries and keep happy clients.
Learn why INTENT and DIRECTION are critical if you use Virtual Assistants.
If you want to sell more and get more jobs, don't use normal chatbots.
JobsBots guides your new enquiries toward booking!
AI is starting a new revolution in business. But JobsBots is what you need if you want to take part!
Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Jobsbots is a DFY (Done For You) Programme of events that we deliver into your business that use the very latest AI and Business Automation technologies. To be clear, this is technology that you would not normally be able to afford or be able to deploy alone. It will transform your sales from leads closing ratio's, improve your customer retention, reduce your overheads and create time. Time for you to enjoy as you please.
Some call it Robots. Others call it AI. But in truth this is the newest technology available anywhere in the World that uses Machine Learning, LLM's, Conversational Bots with NLU (Natural Language Understanding). We have been able to federate this stuff and have integrated to it to the systems that you already use everyday, so that you pay a fraction of the true costs and gain all of the benefits.
This is the first time that AI has been used to learn about a Tradesmans' products and services and convey this information to clients in an intelligent chat format. It is the very first time any service has attempted to intercept new business calls and handle them better than you could do yourself. Make no bones about it: Jobsbots is very high tech and very exciting. We aim to transform the way you handle new business, estimates and bookings.
Two reasons:
1. On average in UK, 67% of calls to Tradesmen go unanswered at certain times of the day.
2. The 33% of calls you do answer take up over an hour of your working day.
Jobsbots worked with 50 tradesmen across Europe to try and define the relationship between time taken to answer the enquiry and the percentage chances of winning the job. These results were then cross referenced with ChatGPT results from previous years to predict what would happen in your business now.
1. Calls answered at once, on average, over one full year yielded a 70% success rate for winning new business. However, the 30% loss rate was attributed to the inability to answer the two main questions asked on the first call. The two most common “Magic questions” asked were:
a. Are you free to complete the work in the timescale I have in mind?
b. Roughly how much is it going to cost?
2. Calls answered as a call-back after some message was left with partners or voicemails dropped to 60% win-rate after just 10 minutes. The main problem was attributed to the inability to re-connect a call with the original caller. It is thought they may be on other calls to other vendors for the service they required.
3. After 1 hour without a proper response to the two questions above, the chances of winning new business from the customer fell to just 50%. Surveys of clients’ behaviour show that each client is prepared to make multiple calls in the first hour to contact a suitable vendor to answer the two magic questions.
4. By the end of the day, a call back to potential new clients only resulted in 10% conversion to work. This did vary considerably though. Industries and trades with very low competition or very high demand, such as a plumber on very cold days, did show a considerably better rate of conversion. These figures are based on mean-average rates (removing outliers) to show realistic forecasts.
We don't know. You tell us. Which is worse?
1. Taking calls from time-wasters when you have your head in a dishwasher or you're up a ladder, only to find the guy didn't have any money to spend at all or completely misunderstood what you do.
2. Or is it worse to NOT even answer these calls until the end of the day and hope they haven't already gone elsewhere?
The thing is, we don't know if it more important to you to save your time during the day and get you back home at a decent time to see the kids, or if you are more interested in not losing the money you already spent to get inquiries because you couldn't answer the phone.
The odd call. Of course not.
But (the safety angle aside) you have no idea how long a new business call could take. If you take the call and still can't answer their two "Magic questions" then you can still lose the business anyway. Remember, our research shows clearly that in the UK, the client will go through a list of suitable tradesmen until they get somebody booked and they know how much to budget for. So, you can wander around site, with your client glaring at you, whilst you search for your diary or you can sign up for Jobsbots today!
Consider if your partner is happy to work for minimum wage. Perhaps they have better things to be doing? Perhaps when the baby cries they might be busy. Perhaps on Xmas days and Birthdays they don't need time off?
Also, we know the way this generally works... Your Partner takes the calls, takes the name and number and calls you when you have your head in a dishwasher! And so it goes, round and round.
Not a question. More a statement. But, one we heard a lot when we started to plan Jobsbots. Sorry, but it's simply not true.
Fact is, whenever a new enquiry comes in, YOU can ask only a few questions and you already have a rough value of how big the job is in your head. We know you can, because you're the expert.
So, tell Jobsbots what you think about, how you calculate it and more importantly.. ALL the CAVEATS you want to add, so the customer is not misled. That is your job. It's not rocket science. But our bit is.
The technology that supports JobsBots has been built at great expense and is finished and ready to deliver to you. BUT, Zway is currently the only service provider capable of delivering and supporting the programmes of events required to make this a reality for you. To be clear, this is a done for you service, not a SaaS product you can buy off-the-shelf. Zway can only work with a finite number of clients at one time. If you refuse your invitation to join a Zway programme at this time, you may not be able to join again until the current cohort has graduated and this is guaranteed to include businesses you might call competition. They will have the fast track start you missed.
Extensive research has been taken to understand clients' behaviour over the last 8 months in UK and US.
It doesn't matter if this is a project I have been planning for some time, or, if the job is just an urgent maintenance job... I need to know two things before I stop looking for someone to do the job:
1. I need to know if you are free in the timescale I have in mind. It doesn't matter how good you are, it doesn't matter if you are the lowest cost for miles. If you are not free and willing to do the work, you are no good to me.
2. I need to know that the work you do and my BUDGET are aligned. I certainly don't want you to quote on work and the total exceeds my expected budget by ten times. It's not about getting you to give me the lowest price, it's just about matching the size of my wallet to the work I want.
Research shows that if I know your rates are "reasonable" and if I know you are free when I need you, I will be happy to invite you to quote properly or even book your services right away. Often, I might not even tell you that I haven't even invited another quote. You are the only one coming. After all, I'm a busy person. I don't have time to see dozens of people to do the same job.
Jobsbots worked with 50 tradesmen across Europe to try and define the relationship between time taken to answer the enquiry and the percentage chances of winning the job. These results were then cross referenced with ChatGPT results from previous years to predict what would happen in your business now.
1. Calls answered at once, on average, over one full year yielded a 70% success rate for winning new business. However, the 30% loss rate was attributed to the inability to answer the two main questions asked on the first call. The two most common “Magic questions” asked were:
a. Are you free to complete the work in the timescale I have in mind?
b. Roughly how much is it going to cost?
2. Calls answered as a call-back after some message was left with partners or voicemails dropped to 60% win-rate after just 10 minutes. The main problem was attributed to the inability to re-connect a call with the original caller. It is thought they may be on other calls to other vendors for the service they required.
3. After 1 hour without a proper response to the two questions above, the chances of winning new business from the customer fell to just 50%. Surveys of clients’ behaviour show that each client is prepared to make multiple calls in the first hour to contact a suitable vendor to answer the two magic questions.
4. By the end of the day, a call back to potential new clients only resulted in 10% conversion to work. This did vary considerably though. Industries and trades with very low competition or very high demand, such as a plumber on very cold days, did show a considerably better rate of conversion. These figures are based on mean-average rates (removing outliers) to show realistic forecasts.
Think about it. Would you spend thousands each year to rent a shop and only open your doors on a Sunday morning? So why do you make all that effort to ensure your business has a constant flow of new business enquiries and not have an effective way to convert those leads into sales?
Up until now, you only had a couple of choices. You could either leave incoming sales calls to a voicemail or family member who “took names and numbers” and you could “call them back when you had time”. Or, you could take the calls, even when you were working.
Here is what happens when a new potential customer calls your advertised number and leaves a message… They go ahead and call the NEXT Tradesman on the list… Lead gone. How many times do you return calls only to find they have already spoken to a competitor?
Jobsbots is a self-learning AI robot that will engage your clients in a chat experience. To do this, Jobsbots quickly intercepts your new calls and identifies ONLY the new business callers. All other callers can progress as normal and are routed to you. Jobsbots will learn your products and services catalogue. It knows your diary commitments and can book in and provide budgetary quotes based on the rules you provide. It works for you 24 hours a day and reports back to you, when you finish work, to tell you what it has done.
You need to tell Jobsbots about your services, prices, and any caveats you may have as you provide budgetary quotes and tell us when you are free to take new work (A mind-reading version has not yet been released). However, the set-up is quick and easy and requires no technical knowledge as the Humans supporting Jobsbots do it for you.
Jobsbots should not COST you anything. If it does, you should stop using the service. The whole idea of each programme is to return approximately 10 x in incremental revenues or savings than the initial investment you make. See our Money back guarantee. We call it the "Shark Swim Guarantee" because, if you would not swim in shark infested waters in order to keep your service once you see what we are doing in the first 30 days, you can have your money back. No questions asked.
Some of the most time-consuming calls you take each day are from people looking for the cheapest price and feel no guilt from calling 10 different tradesmen and waste quality working hours. Most of these people either go to a “Cowboy” anyway or spend next to nothing on a shoddy do-it-yourself job. These are not people you need to deal with. Of course, it’s OK to want a good price for quality work. That’s why Jobsbots will use your rules to send budgetary quotes and pencil bookings in for you. Normal high-quality customers will work with Jobsbots to answer their questions and can even place deposits. Time-wasters are treated with respect but can hang up if they wish. At least they haven’t wasted YOUR time.
Behind Jobsbots is a sophisticated AI infrastructure. This allows us to detect true meaning and sentiment in written text. This allows Jobsbots to respond to the enquiries for new business by offering bookings, whilst other enquiries can benefit from general enquiry chat or even directions of how to find your place and even what number to press on the intercom! . It can interface to any communication channel. Soon, Jobsbots will be able to take enquiries directly from your website and from email enquiries and respond immediately to close deals and take bookings. Next, it will progress to social media channels and even start to interface with the plethora of recommendation sites such as, Bark and Yell etc.
Technology will allow us to recognise key words in email titles and body text. Jobsbots will scan these incoming emails and invite specific ones to engage in a chat with Jobsbots. If the client is not interested in buying your services, then they will not accept the invite. The ability to politely check all communication channels and to offer your services is a key part of Jobsbots new abilities.
Because your clients are after INSTANT gratification. That is just a fact of life. If they send an email question to you and don’t receive an almost instant reply, they will pass on to another vendor. All studies show the same thing. Responses in the first 5 minutes or less win most of the new business. After more than an hour it goes down fast to about a 10% chance of winning that bid.
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